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Known Cons Of Windows 10 And Their Solutions by computerboy: 8:21pm On Sep 02 |
It's been a month and some days that Microsoft officially launched the latest version of Windows which is Windows 10 and I've come to find out that a lot of people are delaying to upgrade not because they don't like the OS but because they're waiting for Microsoft to rectify some known issues.Compiled by Computerboy. P.S: I picked a couple of the tricks from random websites and others, I figured out by myself. So that's all I can remember for now. Let's manage with these tricks while we wait for official fix(es) from Microsoft. Fellow Windows 10 users, you can add the ones I omitted or any other tweak you added to make your windows experience even smoother. All in all, I rate windows 10 8.5/10 so what are you still waiting for? Getting this beast on your PC and I promise you won't regret you did.
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