postal code

World Cities Database and Zip Code Database

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Cities Latitude and Longitude

One stop solution for Latitude Longitude Database, Cities Database, Zipcode Database and County Database

Our product line covers a basic edition world cities database that includes major cities of the world which is perfectly suitable to capture country and city information of a visitor registering on your website.

In addition, we have a detailed county/cities database called Weblocations which covers all major and minor cities of the world. This is more suitable for property listing sites, ecommerce websites, etc. Next line of the product is a latitude longitude database which is called WebGeocities and it provides latitude and longitude information of cities and countries across the world. This again is more useful if you have a property listing website, or any business website where you want to pinpoint the city on a map.

Our postal code database provides zip codes/postal codes for cities. This zip code database is suitable for ecommerce websites, and other related business sites which want to track or capture customer zip code for delivery of related business service.

How are we better?
=> We offer one year free updates on all database of countries products
=> Our world cities database includes 235+ countries which is way better than competitors
=> We have timezone information in the database for each city/country

Our services are categorized into following main products

G-SAK Technologies
Copyright 2015

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